Information for carers
Carers are usually family members or friends who provide support to children or adults who have a disability, mental illness, chronic condition or who are frail aged. Carers may care for a few hours per week or all of every day.
The carer association worked with carers, community organisations and the Australian Government to produce these resources for carers with funding from the Department of Health and Ageing.
The following documents are available for download from this website in the form of PDF documents that you can read or print.
1. Taking Care of Yourself
2. Emergency Care
3. Feelings
4. Health Care and Medications
5. Legal Issues
6. Loss and Grief
7. Managing Money
8. Safety at Home
9. Services For You
10. Taking a Break
Please note that, while they still contain much useful information, the above documents are now out of date.
Current information can be obtained from Carers NSW at the following website:

Get involved today
We invite anyone affected by Parkinson's Disease or other movement disorders (MS, muscular distrophy, etc) to join us at our monthly meetings and other activities.