Walk this way!
Activities & Events
Check out our regular Activities and Events provided by, or participated in, by Parkinson's Port Macquarie Support Group.
Info for Carers
Carers are usually the partners, family members and friends of people living with Parkinson's. Carers are selfless volunteers who may be committed for anything from a few hours per week to all of every day.
Welcome to Port Macquarie Parkinson’s Support Group
We are fortunate to be located on the Mid North Coast of NSW - an area reputed to enjoy Australia's best climate; mild through winter and not too hot in summer, with plenty of refreshing rain to help the gardens grow.
Unfortunately, even in such a beautiful environment an increasing number of people are being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Our support group has been established to provide local people living with Parkinson's and their partners, carers and families with information, advice and a place to share their experiences with others in similar situations.
The Port Macquarie Parkinson's Support Group has been established under the auspices of Parkinson's NSW. As the State’s main advocacy and support organisation for this condition, Parkinson's NSW makes a positive contribution to the provision of professional support services for people with Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's NSW also provides:
A 1800 InfoLine support service providing nursing and medication advice, as well as connection to support groups and other Parkinson's-related service providers.
Counselling services for people living with Parkinson's, care partners and families.
Education for consumers and health and aged care professionals.
NDIS Advocacy.
Extensive information resources.
A network for more than 75 support groups throughout the State.
Support can make the difference
Like any chronic illness, Parkinson's can take a toll on quality of life and in many cases can lead to anxiety, apathy and depression in addition to movement-related symptoms.. Support from others who share and really understand your situation can do a lot to help you overcome the occasional setbacks.
We hope you will enjoy looking through our website, and that you will find here information about our local activities and resources in addition to links which provide detailed, up-to-date information about Parkinsons and treatments. We aim to help improve your day and quality of life for you, your carers and family. Come back again as we plan to keep our contents fresh with frequent updates.

Get involved today
We invite anyone affected by Parkinson's Disease or other movement disorders (MS, muscular dystrophy, etc) to join us at our monthly meetings and other activities.